Dear Fahrenheit 451 -Annie Spence

Is there anything more meta than reading a book about a person talking about books? It is another realm of reading and being a nerd who hearts books (see what I did there?)

Annie Spence is a local Michigan librarian, Saint Clair Shores to be exact, and her book is a memoir of letters written to notable books in her life. Some she loves, like The Virgin Suicides, and others she either dislikes or just plain does not understand how they were published.

The book is a very quick read, I believe meant to be read on and off, in between reading other books. I kept mine on my night stand and read a few selections each night before going to bed. The best part of the book was Spence’s wit and humor. Reading made it seem like you were in the same room as a friend just talking about books and life.

I really enjoyed the parts where she talked about her interaction with books and readers as a librarian; I would really love for her to write a book about her experiences in that job. Some might consider a book about a librarian to be dull, but not the way Spence writes.

At the end of the book, Spence offers a list of various lists of books that she recommends. Great. Another thousand books to add to my TBR list.

I am tempted to visit Spence at the library where she works, but that seems really creepy. But I really love books too and I think she would understand.


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