A Walk in the Woods -Bill Bryson

“Here, read this book about two middle aged men walking the Appalachian Trail.”
“Well, that sounds like the worst book ever.”
“No, it’s good. Bill Bryson wrote it.”

Bill Bryson rules. If you know who he is, then you have probably already read this book and do not need me to tell you to read it. But if you have not had the pleasure of reading his many books, get with it and read some, yo.

Bryson grew up in the Midwest during the 50s and 60s and later left for Britain for two decades, and has since returned to the US. He has written several books about various stages in his life: his childhood (The Thunderbolt Kid), traveling the US (The Lost Continent) and many many others, including his travel of the Appalachian Trail.

What is so great about Bryson is his ability to take a very simple subject like hiking in the woods and making it so entertaining and appealing to all audiences. In A Walk in the Woods, Bryson sets out on a very ambitious feat of hiking the Appalachian Trail with his old pal, Katz. These gents are by no means rugged or savvy, they are out of shape but have pretty cool equipment and maps albeit not even very good ones. They head off together and meet interesting people and Bryson discusses the beauty as well as the devil in the Trail.

Because I have Bryson’s work before I knew that it was going to be good. I would have never picked up this book had I not known the author. He has this really uncanny ability to discuss the most mundane details and conversations and make them humorous and relate able. The story wasn’t so much about the scenery it was more about these two self aware schlubs trekking through the woods discussing how awful they are at it. It is the perfect book of human follies.

If you are new to Bryson’s work then I would check out The Lost Continent and The Thunderbolt Kid and then A Walk in the Woods. All in all, read Bill Bryson.

Next up: Unfamiliar Fishes -Sarah Vowell

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