Read Those Books!

I have an obscene amount of books.

Reading has always been my thing. Which is strange, because I was not a good student in middle and high school. I was average at best. But I was constantly reading. Every night before I went to bed and all weekend and all summer. You would think that that nerd-dom would filter into my schooling. Nope.

The bookstore has always been my favorite place to be. Whenever I am stressed or upset, I always find my way to a Borders or a used bookstore. A fine used bookstore is the businesses. Cheap books, complete with old covers, the smell of old, well loved books; nothing beats it. But I digress, I have found constant solace in being surrounded by books. As a child or young adult, when I would imagine what my “grown up house” would look like, it would inevitability include a cherry wood office with a big desk and brown leather chair and wall to wall bookshelves. Sean agrees, so we are getting married.

I’ve always known that I have had more books than the typical twenty something but now that I have begun to gather all of my belongings in preparation for a new chapter in my life. (Get it? Chapter? Books? It’s a delightful pun.)

As I slowly start packing up my things for moving out after I get married and Sean and I buy a house, I realize that I have way too much garbage. Not so much that I should be on Hoarders or anything, just too much stuff. Whilst cleaning, I am constantly reminded of the old George Carlin bit about “Stuff”. If you don’t know what I am talking about then get with it.

When I am faced with a certain item I look at it and think “Do I need this? Do I want to take this with me in my new life?” Usually I can part with many of these items.

But not my books. I love my books; they feel like friends. (That must be the most depressing thing I have ever written. Take that emo poets!) I just cannot part with many of them. But worse than that, I keep bringing more into the house. I need the world to stop writing books so that I can get caught up on my reading.

Frankly, enough is enough. I have too many books that have gone unread. I will do something about it.

I will read them and blog about them.

Did you think that I was going to say that I am vow to not buy anymore books until I have read all the ones that I currently possess? That’s stupid, dummy.

Did you think that I was going to finally rid myself of my books and get married with a clean slate? Wrong again, dummy. Read this post again.

I am currently reading two books, which is not something that I usually do. But this is a special circumstance. A week ago, I started reading The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America by Bill Bryson. Which I am loving, but we will get to that later. I have to put this book on hold to start reading The Stranger by Albert Camus.

“Oh, are you reading this book for school Kim?”
“Nope. Book club.”

There is book club that meets in Royal Oak once a month that I have wanted to join for some time. So I decided to make Feb 24th my first meet-up. So I have to but Bill on hold for Albert. I just started the book and will offer my full report soon. I am not sure how I want to do this, give updates when I feel like it, or wait until I have finished the book. I will wing it.

Next post: A review of The Stranger. Also, tips and a list of rules that I have about reading and books. Yep, I have rules about books, because after all; Nerds Heart Books.

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